Disc hernia: new data in its treatment
In recent years, spinal surgery has made tremendous progressUntil recently, or even at the present time, when a patient learned that they needed back surgery, they experienced great fear and uncertainty. Everyone has a friend, acquaintance or neighbor who, after a back surgery for a herniated disc, suffered for a long time, did not solve […]
For the first time in Greece, a mini craniotomy operation is performed on awake patient
We present to you a reallyinnovative surgery that was recently performed at the Euroclinic of Athens by our Neurosurgery team, which consists of Nikolaos Maratheftis, Director Neurosurgeon, and Evangelos Rokas, Attending Neurosurgeon, on a 38 year-old male patient diagnosed with a lesion with tumor characters in the left cerebral hemisphere. This lesion spread near particularly […]